Weigh your decisions against your goals


I've just discovered a quick and simple method for achieving goals; Don't focus on attaining the goal, focus on increasing the odds.

Position yourself in a place where success will flow to you. Be in a position where you deserve your goals. If you want to be happy, don't directly go for happiness, find things that happy people do, places where they hang out and how they think.

A good starting point, on the road to happiness, will be eliminating or limiting activities or people who make you sad. And it's not easy, we humans do a lot of things out of habit, even the things that make us unhappy. A good approach, that has worked for me, is to question every decision you make against the goals you want to achieve.

If you want perfect health; ask yourself, before eating anything; is this food/snack increasing the odds of me being healthy? If yes then consume, if no then discard. This is the same for every goal; money, love, happiness e.t.c.

Ask yourself if the decision you're making is contributing to your attaining of your goals. Drop those activities that decreases the odds of you achieving your goals.